Data Viewing
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Page: Data -> Live Measurements
实时测量 "页面是用户登录Mycodo后看到的第一个页面。它将显示当前从输入和功能控制器获得的测量结果。如果 "实时 "页面上没有显示,请确保输入或功能控制器配置正确并被激活。数据将从测量数据库中自动更新到该页面上。
Page: 数据 -> 异步
Graphs require measurements, therefore at least one Input/Output/Function/etc. needs to be added and activated in order to display data.
Page: 数据 -> 仪表板
Custom Widgets~
There is a Custom Widget import system in Mycodo that allows user-created Widgets to be used in the Mycodo system. Custom Widgets can be uploaded on the [Gear Icon] -> Configure -> Custom Widgets
page. After import, they will be available to use on the Setup -> Widget
If you develop a working module, please consider creating a new GitHub issue or pull request, and it may be included in the built-in set.
Open any of the built-in Widget modules located in the directory Mycodo/mycodo/widgets for examples of the proper formatting. There are also example Custom Widgets in the directory Mycodo/mycodo/widgets/examples.
Creating a custom widget module often requires specific placement and execution of Javascript. Several variables were created in each module to address this, and follow the following brief structure of the dashboard page that would be generated with multiple widgets being displayed.
{{ widget_1_dashboard_head }}
{{ widget_2_dashboard_head }}
<div id="widget_1">
<div id="widget_1_titlebar">{{ widget_dashboard_title_bar }}</div>
{{ widget_1_dashboard_body }}
$(document).ready(function() {
{{ widget_1_dashboard_js_ready_end }}
<div id="widget_2">
<div id="widget_2_titlebar">{{ widget_dashboard_title_bar }}</div>
{{ widget_2_dashboard_body }}
$(document).ready(function() {
{{ widget_2_dashboard_js_ready_end }}
{{ widget_1_dashboard_js }}
{{ widget_2_dashboard_js }}
$(document).ready(function() {
{{ widget_1_dashboard_js_ready }}
{{ widget_2_dashboard_js_ready }}