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Supported Inputs

Built-In Inputs (System)~

Linux: Bash Command~

  • Manufacturer: Linux
  • Measurements: Return Value
  • Interfaces: Mycodo

This Input will execute a command in the shell and store the output as a float value. Perform any unit conversions within your script or command. A measurement/unit is required to be selected.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Command TimeoutInteger - Default Value: 60How long to wait for the command to finish before killing the process.
UserText - Default Value: mycodoThe user to execute the command
Current Working DirectoryText - Default Value: /home/piThe current working directory of the shell environment.

Linux: Python 3 Code~

  • Manufacturer: Linux
  • Measurements: Store Value(s)
  • Interfaces: Mycodo
  • Dependencies: pylint

All channels require a Measurement Unit to be selected and saved in order to store values to the database. Your code is executed from the same Python virtual environment that Mycodo runs from. Therefore, you must install Python libraries to this environment if you want them to be available to your code. This virtualenv is located at ~/Mycodo/env and if you wanted to install a library, for example "my_library" using pip, you would execute "sudo ~/Mycodo/env/bin/pip install my_library".

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Analyze Python Code with PylintBoolean - Default Value: TrueAnalyze your Python code with pylint when saving

Mycodo: CPU Load~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: CPULoad
  • Libraries: os.getloadavg()
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions

Mycodo: Free Space~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Unallocated Disk Space
  • Libraries: os.statvfs()
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions

Mycodo: Mycodo RAM~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Daemon RAM Allocation
  • Libraries: resource.getrusage()
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions

Mycodo: Mycodo Version~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Version as Major.Minor.Revision
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions

Mycodo: Output State (On/Off)~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Boolean

This Input stores a 0 (off) or 1 (on) for the selected On/Off Output.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
On/Off Output ChannelSelect Channel (Output_Channels)Select an output to measure

Mycodo: Server Ping~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Boolean
  • Libraries: ping

This Input executes the bash command "ping -c [times] -w [deadline] [host]" to determine if the host can be pinged.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Mycodo: Server Port Open~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Boolean
  • Libraries: nc

This Input executes the bash command "nc -zv [host] [port]" to determine if the host at a particular port is accessible.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Mycodo: Spacer~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo

A spacer to organize Inputs.

ColorText - Default Value: #000000The color of the name text

Mycodo: Test Input: Save your own measurement value~

  • Manufacturer: Mycodo
  • Measurements: Variable measurements

This is a simple test Input that allows you to save any value as a measurement, that will be stored in the measurement database. It can be useful for testing other parts of Mycodo, such as PIDs, Bang-Bang, and Conditional Functions, since you can be completely in control of what values the input provides to the Functions. Note 1: Select and save the Name and Measurement Unit for each channel. Once the unit has been saved, you can convert to other units in the Convert Measurement section. Note 2: Activate the Input before storing measurements.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
Enter the Value you want to store as a measurement, then press Store Measurement.
ChannelIntegerThis is the channel to save the measurement value to
ValueDecimal - Default Value: 10.0This is the measurement value to save for this Input
Store MeasurementButton

Raspberry Pi: CPU/GPU Temperature~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: RPi

The internal CPU and GPU temperature of the Raspberry Pi.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Path for CPU TemperatureText - Default Value: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/tempReads the CPU temperature from this file
Path to vcgencmdText - Default Value: /usr/bin/vcgencmdReads the GPU from vcgencmd

Raspberry Pi: Edge Detection~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: Rising/Falling Edge
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: RPi.GPIO
  • Dependencies: RPi.GPIO
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Pin ModeSelect(Options: [Floating | Pull Down | Pull Up] (Default in bold)Enables or disables the pull-up or pull-down resistor

Raspberry Pi: GPIO State~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: GPIO State
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: RPi.GPIO
  • Dependencies: RPi.GPIO

Measures the state of a GPIO pin, returning either 0 (low) or 1 (high).

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Pin ModeSelect(Options: [Floating | Pull Down | Pull Up] (Default in bold)Enables or disables the pull-up or pull-down resistor

Raspberry Pi: Signal (PWM)~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: Frequency/Pulse Width/Duty Cycle
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Raspberry Pi: Signal (Revolutions) (pigpio method #1)~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: RPM
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio

This calculates RPM from pulses on a pin using pigpio, but has been found to be less accurate than the method #2 module. This is typically used to measure the speed of a fan from a tachometer pin, however this can be used to measure any 3.3-volt pulses from a wire. Use a resistor to pull the measurement pin to 3.3 volts, set pigpio to the lowest latency (1 ms) on the Configure -> Raspberry Pi page. Note 1: Not setting pigpio to the lowest latency will hinder accuracy. Note 2: accuracy decreases as RPM increases.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Raspberry Pi: Signal (Revolutions) (pigpio method #2)~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi
  • Measurements: RPM
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio

This is an alternate method to calculate RPM from pulses on a pin using pigpio, and has been found to be more accurate than the method #1 module. This is typically used to measure the speed of a fan from a tachometer pin, however this can be used to measure any 3.3-volt pulses from a wire. Use a resistor to pull the measurement pin to 3.3 volts, set pigpio to the lowest latency (1 ms) on the Configure -> Raspberry Pi page. Note 1: Not setting pigpio to the lowest latency will hinder accuracy. Note 2: accuracy decreases as RPM increases.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Pin: GPIO (BCM)IntegerThe pin to measure pulses from
Sample Time (Seconds)Decimal - Default Value: 5.0The duration of time to sample
Pulses Per RevDecimal - Default Value: 15.8The number of pulses per revolution to calculate revolutions per minute (RPM)

Built-In Inputs (Devices)~

AMS: AS7262~

  • Manufacturer: AMS
  • Measurements: Light at 450, 500, 550, 570, 600, 650 nm
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: as7262
  • Dependencies: as7262
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
GainSelect(Options: [1x | 3.7x | 16x | 64x] (Default in bold)Set the sensor gain
Illumination LED CurrentSelect(Options: [12.5 mA | 25 mA | 50 mA | 100 mA] (Default in bold)Set the illumination LED current (milliamps)
Illumination LED ModeSelect(Options: [On | Off] (Default in bold)Turn the illumination LED on or off during a measurement
Indicator LED CurrentSelect(Options: [1 mA | 2 mA | 4 mA | 8 mA] (Default in bold)Set the indicator LED current (milliamps)
Indicator LED ModeSelect(Options: [On | Off] (Default in bold)Turn the indicator LED on or off during a measurement
Integration TimeDecimal - Default Value: 15.0The integration time (0 - ~91 ms)

AMS: CCS811 (with Temperature)~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

AMS: CCS811 (without Temperature)~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

AMS: TSL2561~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

AMS: TSL2591~

  • Manufacturer: AMS
  • Measurements: Light
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: maxlklaxl/python-tsl2591
  • Dependencies: tsl2591
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

AOSONG: AM2315/AM2320~

  • Manufacturer: AOSONG
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: quick2wire-api
  • Dependencies: quick2wire-api
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: AOSONG
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: AOSONG
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Adafruit: I2C Capacitive Moisture Sensor~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Analog Devices: ADT7410~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Analog Devices: ADXL34x (343, 344, 345, 346)~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
RangeSelect(Options: [±2 g (±19.6 m/s/s) | ±4 g (±39.2 m/s/s) | ±8 g (±78.4 m/s/s) | ±16 g (±156.9 m/s/s)] (Default in bold)Set the measurement range

AnyLeaf: AnyLeaf EC~

UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Conductivity ConstantDecimal - Default Value: 1.0Conductivity constant K

AnyLeaf: AnyLeaf ORP~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Calibrate: Voltage (Internal)Decimal - Default Value: 0.4Calibration data: internal voltage
Calibrate: ORP (Internal)Decimal - Default Value: 400.0Calibration data: internal ORP
Calibrate: Buffer ORP (mV)Decimal - Default Value: 400.0This is the nominal ORP of the calibration buffer in mV, usually labelled on the bottle.
Clear Calibration SlotsButton

AnyLeaf: AnyLeaf pH~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
Cal data: V1 (internal)DecimalCalibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 7.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 23.0Calibration data: Temperature
Cal data: V2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 0.17Calibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 4.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 23.0Calibration data: Temperature
Cal data: V3 (internal)DecimalCalibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH3 (internal)DecimalCalibration data: pH
Cal data: T3 (internal)DecimalCalibration data: Temperature
Calibration buffer pHDecimal - Default Value: 7.0This is the nominal pH of the calibration buffer, usually labelled on the bottle.
Calibrate, slot 1Button
Calibrate, slot 2Button
Calibrate, slot 3Button
Clear Calibration SlotsButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas CO2 (Carbon Dioxide Gas)~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
A one- or two-point calibration can be performed. After exposing the probe to a concentration of CO2 between 3,000 and 5,000 ppmv until readings stabilize, press Calibrate (High). You can place the probe in a 0 CO2 environment until readings stabilize, then press Calibrate (Zero). You can also clear the currently-saved calibration by pressing Clear Calibration, returning to the factory-set calibration. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
High Point CO2Integer - Default Value: 3000The high CO2 calibration point (3000 - 5000 ppmv)
Calibrate (High)Button
Calibrate (Zero)Button
Clear CalibrationButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x69The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas Color~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: RGB, CIE, LUX, Proximity
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
LED Only For MeasureBoolean - Default Value: TrueTurn the LED on only during the measurement
LED PercentageInteger - Default Value: 30What percentage of power to supply to the LEDs during measurement
Gamma CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0Gamma correction between 0.01 and 4.99 (default is 1.0)
The EZO-RGB color sensor is designed to be calibrated to a white object at the maximum brightness the object will be viewed under. In order to get the best results, Atlas Scientific strongly recommends that the sensor is mounted into a fixed location. Holding the sensor in your hand during calibration will decrease performance.
1. Embed the EZO-RGB color sensor into its intended use location.
2. Set LED brightness to the desired level.
3. Place a white object in front of the target object and press the Calibration button.
4. A single color reading will be taken and the device will be fully calibrated.
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x70The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas DO~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Dissolved Oxygen
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
A one- or two-point calibration can be performed. After exposing the probe to air for 30 seconds until readings stabilize, press Calibrate (Air). If you require accuracy below 1.0 mg/L, you can place the probe in a 0 mg/L solution for 30 to 90 seconds until readings stabilize, then press Calibrate (0 mg/L). You can also clear the currently-saved calibration by pressing Clear Calibration. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
Calibrate (Air)Button
Calibrate (0 mg/L)Button
Clear CalibrationButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x66The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas EC~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Electrical Conductivity
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
Calibration: a one- or two-point calibration can be performed. It's a good idea to clear the calibration before calibrating. Always perform a dry calibration with the probe in the air (not in any fluid). Then perform either a one- or two-point calibration with calibrated solutions. If performing a one-point calibration, use the Single Point Calibration field and button. If performing a two-point calibration, use the Low and High Point Calibration fields and buttons. Allow a minute or two after submerging your probe in a calibration solution for the measurements to equilibrate before calibrating to that solution. The EZO EC circuit default temperature compensation is set to 25 °C. If the temperature of the calibration solution is +/- 2 °C from 25 °C, consider setting the temperature compensation first. Note that at no point should you change the temperature compensation value during calibration. Therefore, if you have previously enabled temperature compensation, allow at least one measurement to occur (to set the compensation value), then disable the temperature compensation measurement while you calibrate. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
Clear CalibrationButton
Calibrate DryButton
Single Point EC (µS)Integer - Default Value: 84The EC (µS) of the single point calibration solution
Calibrate Single PointButton
Low Point EC (µS)Integer - Default Value: 12880The EC (µS) of the low point calibration solution
Calibrate Low PointButton
High Point EC (µS)Integer - Default Value: 80000The EC (µS) of the high point calibration solution
Calibrate High PointButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x64The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas Flow Meter~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Total Volume, Flow Rate
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link

Set the Measurement Time Base to a value most appropriate for your anticipated flow (it will affect accuracy). This flow rate time base that is set and returned from the sensor will be converted to liters per minute, which is the default unit for this input module. If you desire a different rate to be stored in the database (such as liters per second or hour), then use the Convert to Unit option.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Flow Meter TypeSelect(Options: [Atlas Scientific 3/8" Flow Meter | Atlas Scientific 1/4" Flow Meter | Atlas Scientific 1/2" Flow Meter | Atlas Scientific 3/4" Flow Meter | Non-Atlas Scientific Flow Meter] (Default in bold)Set the type of flow meter used
Atlas Meter Time BaseSelect(Options: [Liters per Second | Liters per Minute | Liters per Hour] (Default in bold)If using an Atlas Scientific flow meter, set the flow rate/time base
Internal ResistorSelect(Options: [Use Atlas Scientific Flow Meter | Disable Internal Resistor | 1 K Ω Pull-Up | 1 K Ω Pull-Down | 10 K Ω Pull-Up | 10 K Ω Pull-Down | 100 K Ω Pull-Up | 100 K Ω Pull-Down] (Default in bold)Set an internal resistor for the flow meter
Custom K Value(s)TextIf using a non-Atlas Scientific flow meter, enter the meter's K value(s). For a single K value, enter '[volume per pulse],[number of pulses]'. For multiple K values (up to 16), enter '[volume at frequency],[frequency in Hz];[volume at frequency],[frequency in Hz];...'. Leave blank to disable.
K Value Time BaseSelect(Options: [Use Atlas Scientific Flow Meter | Liters per Second | Liters per Minute | Liters per Hour] (Default in bold)If using a non-Atlas Scientific flow meter, set the flow rate/time base for the custom K values entered.
The total volume can be cleared with the following button or with the Clear Total Volume Function Action.
Clear Total: VolumeButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x68The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas Humidity~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
LED ModeSelect(Options: [Always On | Always Off | Only On During Measure] (Default in bold)When to turn the LED on
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x6fThe new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas O2 (Oxygen Gas)~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: O2
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
Temperature Compensation: ManualDecimal - Default Value: 20.0If not using a measurement, set the temperature to compensate
LED ModeSelect(Options: [Always On | Always Off | Only On During Measure] (Default in bold)When to turn the LED on
A one- or two-point calibration can be performed. After exposing the probe to a specific concentration of O2 until readings stabilize, press Calibrate (High). You can place the probe in a 0% O2 environment until readings stabilize, then press Calibrate (Zero). You can also clear the currently-saved calibration by pressing Clear Calibration, returning to the factory-set calibration. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
High Point O2Decimal - Default Value: 20.95The high O2 calibration point (percent)
Calibrate (High)Button
Calibrate (Zero)Button
Clear CalibrationButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x69The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas ORP~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Oxidation Reduction Potential
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
A one-point calibration can be performed. Enter the solution's mV, set the probe in the solution, then press Calibrate. You can also clear the currently-saved calibration by pressing Clear Calibration. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
Calibration Solution mVInteger - Default Value: 225The value of the calibration solution, in mV
Clear CalibrationButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x62The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas PT-1000~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x66The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton
Temperature (°C)Decimal - Default Value: 100.0Temperature for single point calibration
Clear CalibrationButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas Pressure~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Pressure
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
LED ModeSelect(Options: [Always On | Always Off | Only On During Measure] (Default in bold)When to turn the LED on
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x6aThe new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Atlas Scientific: Atlas pH~

  • Manufacturer: Atlas Scientific
  • Measurements: Ion Concentration
  • Interfaces: I2C, UART, FTDI
  • Libraries: pylibftdi/fcntl/io/serial
  • Dependencies: pylibftdi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link

Calibration Measurement is an optional setting that provides a temperature measurement (in Celsius) of the water that the pH is being measured from.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
FTDI DeviceTextThe FTDI device connected to the input/output/etc.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
Calibration: a one-, two- or three-point calibration can be performed. It's a good idea to clear the calibration before calibrating. The first calibration must be the Mid point. The second must be the Low point. And the third must be the High point. You can perform a one-, two- or three-point calibration, but they must be performed in this order. Allow a minute or two after submerging your probe in a calibration solution for the measurements to equilibrate before calibrating to that solution. The EZO pH circuit default temperature compensation is set to 25 °C. If the temperature of the calibration solution is +/- 2 °C from 25 °C, consider setting the temperature compensation first. Note that if you have a Temperature Compensation Measurement selected from the Options, this will overwrite the manual Temperature Compensation set here, so be sure to disable this option if you would like to specify the temperature to compensate with. Status messages will be sent to the Daemon Log, accessible from Config -> Mycodo Logs -> Daemon Log.
Compensation Temperature (°C)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0The temperature of the calibration solutions
Set Temperature CompensationButton
Clear CalibrationButton
Mid Point pHDecimal - Default Value: 7.0The pH of the mid point calibration solution
Calibrate MidButton
Low Point pHDecimal - Default Value: 4.0The pH of the low point calibration solution
Calibrate LowButton
High Point pHDecimal - Default Value: 10.0The pH of the high point calibration solution
Calibrate HighButton
Calibration Export/Import: Export calibration to a series of strings. These can later be imported to restore the calibration. Watch the Daemon Log for the output.
Export CalibrationButton
Calibration StringTextThe calibration string to import
Import CalibrationButton
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x63The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton


I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: BOSCH
  • Measurements: Pressure/Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: RPi.bme280
  • Dependencies: RPi.bme280
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Humidity OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
Temperature OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
Pressure OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
IIR Filter SizeSelect(Options: [0 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127] (Default in bold)Optionally remove short term fluctuations from the temperature and pressure readings, increasing their resolution but reducing their bandwidth.
Temperature OffsetDecimalThe amount to offset the temperature, either negative or positive
Sea Level Pressure (ha)Decimal - Default Value: 1013.25The pressure at sea level for the sensor location


  • Manufacturer: BOSCH
  • Measurements: Temperature/Humidity/Pressure/Gas
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: bme680
  • Dependencies: bme680, smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Humidity OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
Temperature OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
Pressure OversamplingSelect(Options: [NONE | 1X | 2X | 4X | 8X | 16X] (Default in bold)A higher oversampling value means more stable readings with less noise and jitter. However each step of oversampling adds ~2 ms latency, causing a slower response time to fast transients.
IIR Filter SizeSelect(Options: [0 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127] (Default in bold)Optionally remove short term fluctuations from the temperature and pressure readings, increasing their resolution but reducing their bandwidth.
Gas Heater Temperature (°C)Integer - Default Value: 320What temperature to set
Gas Heater Duration (ms)Integer - Default Value: 150How long of a duration to heat. 20-30 ms are necessary for the heater to reach the intended target temperature.
Gas Heater ProfileSelectSelect one of the 10 configured heating durations/set points
Temperature OffsetDecimalThe amount to offset the temperature, either negative or positive


  • Manufacturer: BOSCH
  • Measurements: Pressure/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: Adafruit_BMP
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-BMP, Adafruit-GPIO
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: BOSCH
  • Measurements: Pressure/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: Adafruit_GPIO
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: BOSCH
  • Measurements: Pressure/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: bmp280-python
  • Dependencies: smbus2, bmp280
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link

This is similar to the other BMP280 Input, except it uses a different library, whcih includes the ability to set forced mode.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Enable Forced ModeBooleanEnable heater to evaporate condensation. Turn on heater x seconds every y measurements.

CO2Meter: K30~

  • Manufacturer: CO2Meter
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: serial
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Catnip Electronics: Chirp~

  • Manufacturer: Catnip Electronics
  • Measurements: Light/Moisture/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
The I2C address can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x20The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Cozir: Cozir CO2~

  • Manufacturer: Cozir
  • Measurements: CO2/Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: pierre-haessig/pycozir
  • Dependencies: cozir
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Generic: Hall Flow Meter~

  • Manufacturer: Generic
  • Measurements: Flow Rate, Total Volume
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Pulses per LiterDecimal - Default Value: 1.0Enter the conversion factor for this meter (pulses to Liter).
Clear Total: VolumeButton

Infineon: DPS310~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MAXIM: DS1822~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton

MAXIM: DS1825~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton


  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: ow-shell
  • Dependencies: ow-shell, owfs
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
  • Additional URL: Link

Warning: Counterfeit DS18B20 sensors are common and can cause a host of issues. Review the Additional URL for more information about how to determine if your sensor is authentic.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete


  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
  • Additional URL: Link

Warning: Counterfeit DS18B20 sensors are common and can cause a host of issues. Review the Additional URL for more information about how to determine if your sensor is authentic.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature OffsetDecimalThe temperature offset (degrees Celsius) to apply
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton


  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton


  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton


  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: 1-Wire
  • Libraries: w1thermsensor
  • Dependencies: w1thermsensor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Set the resolution, precision, and response time for the sensor. This setting will be written to the EEPROM to allow persistence after power loss. The EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k).
ResolutionSelectSelect the resolution for the sensor
Set ResolutionButton

MAXIM: MAX31855 (Gravity PT100)~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MAXIM: MAX31855 (Gravity PT100)~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: wiringpi
  • Dependencies: wiringpi
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MAXIM: MAX31855~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature (Object/Die)
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: Adafruit_MAX31855
  • Dependencies: Adafruit_MAX31855, Adafruit-GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MAXIM: MAX31856~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature (Object/Die)
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: RPi.GPIO
  • Dependencies: RPi.GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MAXIM: MAX31865~

This module was added to allow support for multiple sensors to be connected at the same time, which the original MAX31865 module was not designed for.

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Chip Select PinInteger - Default Value: 8Enter the GPIO Chip Select Pin for your device.
Number of wiresSelect(Options: [2 Wires | 3 Wires | 4 Wires] (Default in bold)Select the number of wires your thermocouple has.

MAXIM: MAX31865~

  • Manufacturer: MAXIM
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: RPi.GPIO
  • Dependencies: RPi.GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link

Note: This module does not allow for multiple sensors to be connected at the same time. For multi-sensor support, use the MAX31865 CircuitPython Input.

Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

MQTT: MQTT Subscribe (JSON payload)~

  • Manufacturer: MQTT
  • Measurements: Variable measurements
  • Interfaces: Mycodo
  • Libraries: paho-mqtt, jmespath
  • Dependencies: paho-mqtt, jmespath

A single topic is subscribed to and the returned JSON payload contains one or more key/value pairs. The given JSON Key is used as a JMESPATH expression to find the corresponding value that will be stored for that channel. Be sure you select and save the Measurement Unit for each channel. Once the unit has been saved, you can convert to other units in the Convert Measurement section. Example expressions for jmespath ( include temperature, sensors[0].temperature, and bathroom.temperature which refer to the temperature as a direct key within the first entry of sensors or as a subkey of bathroom, respectively. Jmespath elements and keys that contain special characters have to be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "sensor-1".temperature. Warning: If using multiple MQTT Inputs or Functions, ensure the Client IDs are unique.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
HostText - Default Value: localhostHost or IP address
PortInteger - Default Value: 1883Host port number
TopicText - Default Value: mqtt/test/inputThe topic to subscribe to
Keep AliveInteger - Default Value: 60Maximum amount of time between received signals. Set to 0 to disable.
Client IDText - Default Value: client_xwGF2wFtUnique client ID for connecting to the server
Use LoginBooleanSend login credentials
Use TLSBooleanSend login credentials using TLS
UsernameText - Default Value: userUsername for connecting to the server
PasswordTextPassword for connecting to the server. Leave blank to disable.
Use WebsocketsBooleanUse websockets to connect to the server.
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
JSON KeyTextJMES Path expression to find value in JSON response

MQTT: MQTT Subscribe (Value payload)~

  • Manufacturer: MQTT
  • Measurements: Variable measurements
  • Interfaces: Mycodo
  • Libraries: paho-mqtt
  • Dependencies: paho-mqtt

A topic is subscribed to for each channel Subscription Topic and the returned payload value will be stored for that channel. Be sure you select and save the Measurement Unit for each of the channels. Once the unit has been saved, you can convert to other units in the Convert Measurement section. Warning: If using multiple MQTT Inputs or Functions, ensure the Client IDs are unique.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
HostText - Default Value: localhostHost or IP address
PortInteger - Default Value: 1883Host port number
Keep AliveInteger - Default Value: 60Maximum amount of time between received signals. Set to 0 to disable.
Client IDText - Default Value: client_t3h9zD1aUnique client ID for connecting to the server
Use LoginBooleanSend login credentials
Use TLSBooleanSend login credentials using TLS
UsernameText - Default Value: userUsername for connecting to the server
PasswordTextPassword for connecting to the server. Leave blank to disable.
Use WebsocketsBooleanUse websockets to connect to the server.
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
Subscription TopicTextThe MQTT topic to subscribe to

Melexis: MLX90393~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Melexis: MLX90614~

  • Manufacturer: Melexis
  • Measurements: Temperature (Ambient/Object)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Microchip: MCP3008~

  • Manufacturer: Microchip
  • Measurements: Voltage (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP3xxx
  • Dependencies: adafruit-circuitpython-mcp3xxx
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
VREF (volts)Decimal - Default Value: 3.3Set the VREF voltage

Microchip: MCP3008~

  • Manufacturer: Microchip
  • Measurements: Voltage (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: Adafruit_MCP3008
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-MCP3008
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
VREF (volts)Decimal - Default Value: 3.3Set the VREF voltage

Microchip: MCP3208~

  • Manufacturer: Microchip
  • Measurements: Voltage (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • Interfaces: SPI
  • Libraries: MCP3208
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
Pin: Cable SelectIntegerGPIO (using BCM numbering): Pin: Cable Select
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
SPI BusIntegerThe SPI bus ID.
SPI DeviceIntegerThe SPI device ID.
VREF (volts)Decimal - Default Value: 3.3Set the VREF voltage

Microchip: MCP342x (x=2,3,4,6,7,8)~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Microchip: MCP9808~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Multiple Manufacturers: HC-SR04~

Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Trigger PinIntegerEnter the GPIO Trigger Pin for your device (BCM numbering).
Echo PinIntegerEnter the GPIO Echo Pin for your device (BCM numbering).

Panasonic: AMG8833~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Power Monitor: RPi Power Monitor (6 Channels)~

  • Manufacturer: Power Monitor
  • Measurements: AC Voltage, Power, Current, Power Factor
  • Libraries: rpi-power-monitor
  • Dependencies: rpi_power_monitor
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link

See for calibration procedures.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Grid VoltageDecimal - Default Value: 124.2The AC voltage measured at the outlet
Transformer VoltageDecimal - Default Value: 10.2The AC voltage measured at the barrel plug of the 9 VAC transformer
CT1 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT1
CT2 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT2
CT3 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT3
CT4 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT4
CT5 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT5
CT6 Phase CorrectionDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The phase correction value for CT6
CT1 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT1
CT2 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT2
CT3 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT3
CT4 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT4
CT5 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT5
CT6 Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for CT6
AC Accuracy CalibrationDecimal - Default Value: 1.0The accuracy calibration value for AC

ROHM: BH1750~

  • Manufacturer: ROHM
  • Measurements: Light
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Raspberry Pi Foundation: Sense HAT~

  • Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation
  • Measurements: hum/temp/press/compass/magnet/accel/gyro
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: sense-hat
  • Dependencies: git, Bash Commands (see Module for details), sense-hat
  • Manufacturer URL: Link

This module acquires measurements from the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT sensors, which include the LPS25H, LSM9DS1, and HTS221.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Ruuvi: RuuviTag~

Bluetooth MAC (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)TextThe Hci location of the Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Adapter (hci[X])TextThe adapter of the Bluetooth device.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

STMicroelectronics: VL53L0X~

  • Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics
  • Measurements: Millimeter (Time-of-Flight Distance)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: VL53L0X_rasp_python
  • Dependencies: VL53L0X
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
AccuracySelect(Options: [Good Accuracy (33 ms, 1.2 m range) | Better Accuracy (66 ms, 1.2 m range) | Best Accuracy (200 ms, 1.2 m range) | Long Range (33 ms, 2 m) | High Speed, Low Accuracy (20 ms, 1.2 m)] (Default in bold)Set the accuracy. A longer measurement duration yields a more accurate measurement
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x52The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

STMicroelectronics: VL53L1X~

  • Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics
  • Measurements: Millimeter (Time-of-Flight Distance)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: VL53L1X
  • Dependencies: smbus2, vl53l1x
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2

Notes when setting a custom timing budget: A higher timing budget results in greater measurement accuracy, but also a higher power consumption. The inter measurement period must be >= the timing budget, otherwise it will be double the expected value.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
RangeSelect(Options: [Short Range | Medium Range | Long Range | Custom Timing Budget] (Default in bold)Select a range or select to set a custom Timing Budget and Inter Measurement Period.
Timing Budget (microseconds)Integer - Default Value: 66000Set the timing budget. Must be less than or equal to the Inter Measurement Period.
Inter Measurement Period (milliseconds)Integer - Default Value: 70Set the Inter Measurement Period

STMicroelectronics: VL53L4CD~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Timing Budget (ms)Integer - Default Value: 50Set the timing budget between 10 to 200 ms. A longer duration yields a more accurate measurement.
Inter-Measurement Period (ms)IntegerValid range between Timing Budget and 5000 ms (0 to disable)
The I2C address of the sensor can be changed. Enter a new address in the 0xYY format (e.g. 0x22, 0x50), then press Set I2C Address. Remember to deactivate the Input and change the I2C address option after setting the new address.
New I2C AddressText - Default Value: 0x29The new I2C to set the device to
Set I2C AddressButton

Seeedstudio: DHT11/22~

Enter the Grove Pi+ GPIO pin connected to the sensor and select the sensor type.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Sensor TypeSelect(Options: [DHT11 (Blue) | DHT22 (White)] (Default in bold)Sensor type

Senseair: K96~

  • Manufacturer: Senseair
  • Measurements: Methane/Moisture/CO2/Pressure/Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: Serial
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sensirion: SCD-4x (40, 41)~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature OffsetDecimal - Default Value: 4.0Set the sensor temperature offset
Altitude (m)IntegerSet the sensor altitude (meters)
Automatic Self-CalibrationBooleanSet the sensor automatic self-calibration
Persist SettingsBoolean - Default Value: TrueSettings will persist after powering off
You can force the CO2 calibration for a specific CO2 concentration value (in ppmv). The sensor needs to be active for at least 3 minutes prior to calibration.
CO2 Concentration (ppmv)Decimal - Default Value: 400.0Calibrate to this CO2 concentration that the sensor is being exposed to (in ppmv)
Calibrate CO2Button

Sensirion: SCD30~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
I2C Frequency: The SCD-30 has temperamental I2C with clock stretching. The datasheet recommends starting at 50,000 Hz.
I2C Frequency (Hz)Integer - Default Value: 50000
Automatic Self Ccalibration (ASC): To work correctly, the sensor must be on and active for 7 days after enabling ASC, and exposed to fresh air for at least 1 hour per day. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation for more information.
Enable Automatic Self CalibrationBoolean
Temperature Offset: Specifies the offset to be added to the reported measurements to account for a bias in the measured signal. Must be a positive value, and will reduce the recorded temperature by that amount. Give the sensor adequate time to acclimate after setting this value. Value is in degrees Celsius with a resolution of 0.01 degrees and a maximum value of 655.35 C.
Temperature OffsetDecimal
Ambient Air Pressure (mBar): Specify the ambient air pressure at the measurement location in mBar. Setting this value adjusts the CO2 measurement calculations to account for the air pressure’s effect on readings. Values must be in mBar, from 700 to 1200 mBar.
Ambient Air Pressure (mBar)Integer - Default Value: 1200
Altitude: Specifies the altitude at the measurement location in meters above sea level. Setting this value adjusts the CO2 measurement calculations to account for the air pressure’s effect on readings.
Altitude (m)Integer - Default Value: 100
A soft reset restores factory default values.
Soft ResetButton
Forced Re-Calibration: The SCD-30 is placed in an environment with a known CO2 concentration, this concentration value is entered in the CO2 Concentration (ppmv) field, then the Foce Calibration button is pressed. But how do you come up with that known value? That is a caveat of this approach and Sensirion suggests three approaches: 1. Using a separate secondary calibrated CO2 sensor to provide the value. 2. Exposing the SCD-30 to a controlled environment with a known value. 3. Exposing the SCD-30 to fresh outside air and using a value of 400 ppm.
CO2 Concentration (ppmv)Integer - Default Value: 800The CO2 concentration of the sensor environment when forcing calibration
Force RecalibrationButton

Sensirion: SCD30~

  • Manufacturer: Sensirion
  • Measurements: CO2/Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: scd30_i2c
  • Dependencies: scd30-i2c
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URLs: Link 1, Link 2
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Automatic Self Ccalibration (ASC): To work correctly, the sensor must be on and active for 7 days after enabling ASC, and exposed to fresh air for at least 1 hour per day. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation for more information.
Enable Automatic Self CalibrationBoolean
A soft reset restores factory default values.
Soft ResetButton

Sensirion: SHT1x/7x~

  • Manufacturer: Sensirion
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: GPIO
  • Libraries: sht_sensor
  • Dependencies: sht-sensor
  • Manufacturer URLs: Link 1, Link 2
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sensirion: SHT2x~

  • Manufacturer: Sensirion
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: sht20
  • Dependencies: sht20
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature ResolutionSelect(Options: [11-bit | 12-bit | 13-bit | 14-bit] (Default in bold)The resolution of the temperature measurement

Sensirion: SHT2x~

  • Manufacturer: Sensirion
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sensirion: SHT31-D~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature OffsetDecimalThe temperature offset (degrees Celsius) to apply

Sensirion: SHT3x (30, 31, 35)~

  • Manufacturer: Sensirion
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: Adafruit_SHT31
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-GPIO, Adafruit-SHT31
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Enable HeaterBooleanEnable heater to evaporate condensation. Turn on heater x seconds every y measurements
Heater On Seconds (Seconds)Decimal - Default Value: 1.0How long to turn the heater on
Heater On PeriodInteger - Default Value: 10After how many measurements to turn the heater on. This will repeat

Sensirion: SHT4X~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sensirion: SHTC3~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sensorion: SHT31 Smart Gadget~

Bluetooth MAC (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)TextThe Hci location of the Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Adapter (hci[X])TextThe adapter of the Bluetooth device.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Download Stored DataBoolean - Default Value: TrueDownload the data logged to the device.
Set Logging Interval (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 600Set the logging interval the device will store measurements on its internal memory.

Silicon Labs: SI1145~

  • Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
  • Measurements: Light (UV/Visible/IR), Proximity (cm)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: si1145
  • Dependencies: SI1145
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Silicon Labs: Si7021~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Sonoff: TH16/10 (Tasmota firmware) with AM2301/Si7021~

  • Manufacturer: Sonoff
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Libraries: requests
  • Dependencies: requests
  • Manufacturer URL: Link

This Input module allows the use of any temperature/humidity sensor with the TH10/TH16. Changing the Sensor Name option changes the key that's queried from the returned dictionary of measurements. If you would like to use this module with a version of this device that uses the AM2301, change Sensor Name to AM2301.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
IP AddressText - Default Value: IP address of the device
Sensor NameText - Default Value: SI7021The name of the sensor connected to the device (specific key name in the returned dictionary)

Sonoff: TH16/10 (Tasmota firmware) with AM2301~

  • Manufacturer: Sonoff
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Libraries: requests
  • Dependencies: requests
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
IP AddressText - Default Value: IP address of the device

Sonoff: TH16/10 (Tasmota firmware) with DS18B20~

  • Manufacturer: Sonoff
  • Measurements: Temperature
  • Libraries: requests
  • Dependencies: requests
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
IP AddressText - Default Value: IP address of the device

TE Connectivity: HTU21D~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Temperature OffsetDecimalThe temperature offset (degrees Celsius) to apply

TE Connectivity: HTU21D~

  • Manufacturer: TE Connectivity
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: pigpio
  • Dependencies: pigpio, pigpio
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
  • Manufacturer: TP-Link
  • Measurements: kilowatt hours
  • Interfaces: IP
  • Libraries: python-kasa
  • Dependencies: python-kasa, aio_msgpack_rpc
  • Manufacturer URL: Link

This measures from several Kasa power devices (plugs/strips) capable of measuring energy consumption. These include, but are not limited to the KP115 and HS600.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Device TypeSelectThe type of Kasa device
HostText - Default Value: or IP address
Asyncio RPC PortInteger - Default Value: 18846The port to start the asyncio RPC server. Must be unique from other Kasa Outputs.
The total kWh can be cleared with the following button or with the Clear Total kWh Function Action. This will also clear all energy stats on the device, not just the total kWh.
Clear Total: Kilowatt-hourButton

Tasmota: Tasmota Outlet Energy Monitor (HTTP)~

  • Manufacturer: Tasmota
  • Measurements: Total Energy, Amps, Watts
  • Interfaces: HTTP
  • Libraries: requests
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link

This input queries the energy usage information from a WiFi outlet that is running the tasmota firmware. There are many WiFi outlets that support tasmota, and many of of those have energy monitoring capabilities. When used with an MQTT Output, you can both control your tasmota outlets as well as mionitor their energy usage.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
HostText - Default Value: or IP address

Texas Instruments: ADS1015~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Measurements to AverageInteger - Default Value: 5The number of times to measure each channel. An average of the measurements will be stored.

Texas Instruments: ADS1115: Generic Analog pH/EC~

This input relies on an ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to measure pH and/or electrical conductivity (EC) from analog sensors. You can enable or disable either measurement if you want to only connect a pH sensor or an EC sensor by selecting which measurements you want to under Measurements Enabled. Select which channel each sensor is connected to on the ADC. There are default calibration values initially set for the Input. There are also functions to allow you to easily calibrate your sensors with calibration solutions. If you use the Calibrate Slot actions, these values will be calculated and will replace the currently-set values. You can use the Clear Calibration action to delete the database values and return to using the default values. If you delete the Input or create a new Input to use your ADC/sensors with, you will need to recalibrate in order to store new calibration data.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
ADC Channel: pHSelect(Options: [Channel 0 | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3] (Default in bold)The ADC channel the pH sensor is connected
ADC Channel: ECSelect(Options: [Channel 0 | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3] (Default in bold)The ADC channel the EC sensor is connected
Temperature Compensation
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
pH Calibration Data
Cal data: V1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 1.5Calibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 7.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0Calibration data: Temperature
Cal data: V2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 2.032Calibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 4.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0Calibration data: Temperature
EC Calibration Data
EC cal data: V1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 0.232EC calibration data: Voltage
EC cal data: EC1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 1413.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: T1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: V2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 2.112EC calibration data: Voltage
EC cal data: EC2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 12880.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: T2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0EC calibration data: EC
pH Calibration Actions: Place your probe in a solution of known pH. Set the known pH value in the "Calibration buffer pH" field, and press "Calibrate pH, slot 1". Repeat with a second buffer, and press "Calibrate pH, slot 2". You don't need to change the values under "Custom Options".
Calibration buffer pHDecimal - Default Value: 7.0This is the nominal pH of the calibration buffer, usually labelled on the bottle.
Calibrate pH, slot 1Button
Calibrate pH, slot 2Button
Clear pH Calibration SlotsButton
EC Calibration Actions: Place your probe in a solution of known EC. Set the known EC value in the "Calibration standard EC" field, and press "Calibrate EC, slot 1". Repeat with a second standard, and press "Calibrate EC, slot 2". You don't need to change the values under "Custom Options".
Calibration standard ECDecimal - Default Value: 1413.0This is the nominal EC of the calibration standard, usually labelled on the bottle.
Calibrate EC, slot 1Button
Calibrate EC, slot 2Button
Clear EC Calibration SlotsButton

Texas Instruments: ADS1115~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Measurements to AverageInteger - Default Value: 5The number of times to measure each channel. An average of the measurements will be stored.

Texas Instruments: ADS1256: Generic Analog pH/EC~

  • Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
  • Measurements: Ion Concentration/Electrical Conductivity
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: wiringpi, kizniche/PiPyADC-py3
  • Dependencies: wiringpi, pipyadc_py3

This input relies on an ADS1256 analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to measure pH and/or electrical conductivity (EC) from analog sensors. You can enable or disable either measurement if you want to only connect a pH sensor or an EC sensor by selecting which measurements you want to under Measurements Enabled. Select which channel each sensor is connected to on the ADC. There are default calibration values initially set for the Input. There are also functions to allow you to easily calibrate your sensors with calibration solutions. If you use the Calibrate Slot actions, these values will be calculated and will replace the currently-set values. You can use the Clear Calibration action to delete the database values and return to using the default values. If you delete the Input or create a new Input to use your ADC/sensors with, you will need to recalibrate in order to store new calibration data.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
ADC Channel: pHSelect(Options: [Not Connected | Channel 0 | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3 | Channel 4 | Channel 5 | Channel 6 | Channel 7] (Default in bold)The ADC channel the pH sensor is connected
ADC Channel: ECSelect(Options: [Not Connected | Channel 0 | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3 | Channel 4 | Channel 5 | Channel 6 | Channel 7] (Default in bold)The ADC channel the EC sensor is connected
Temperature Compensation
Temperature Compensation: MeasurementSelect Measurement (Input, Function)Select a measurement for temperature compensation
Temperature Compensation: Max Age (Seconds)Integer - Default Value: 120The maximum age of the measurement to use
pH Calibration Data
Cal data: V1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 1.5Calibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 7.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0Calibration data: Temperature
Cal data: V2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 2.032Calibration data: Voltage
Cal data: pH2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 4.0Calibration data: pH
Cal data: T2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0Calibration data: Temperature
EC Calibration Data
EC cal data: V1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 0.232EC calibration data: Voltage
EC cal data: EC1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 1413.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: T1 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: V2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 2.112EC calibration data: Voltage
EC cal data: EC2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 12880.0EC calibration data: EC
EC cal data: T2 (internal)Decimal - Default Value: 25.0EC calibration data: EC
CalibrationSelectSet the calibration method to perform during Input activation
pH Calibration Actions: Place your probe in a solution of known pH. Set the known pH value in the `Calibration buffer pH` field, and press `Calibrate pH, slot 1`. Repeat with a second buffer, and press `Calibrate pH, slot 2`. You don't need to change the values under `Custom Options`.
Calibration buffer pHDecimal - Default Value: 7.0This is the nominal pH of the calibration buffer, usually labelled on the bottle.
Calibrate pH, slot 1Button
Calibrate pH, slot 2Button
Clear pH Calibration SlotsButton
EC Calibration Actions: Place your probe in a solution of known EC. Set the known EC value in the `Calibration standard EC` field, and press `Calibrate EC, slot 1`. Repeat with a second standard, and press `Calibrate EC, slot 2`. You don't need to change the values under `Custom Options`.
Calibration standard ECDecimal - Default Value: 1413.0This is the nominal EC of the calibration standard, usually labelled on the bottle.
Calibrate EC, slot 1Button
Calibrate EC, slot 2Button
Clear EC Calibration SlotsButton

Texas Instruments: ADS1256~

  • Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
  • Measurements: Voltage (Waveshare, Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: wiringpi, kizniche/PiPyADC-py3
  • Dependencies: wiringpi, pipyadc_py3
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
CalibrationSelectSet the calibration method to perform during Input activation

Texas Instruments: ADS1x15~

  • Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
  • Measurements: Voltage (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: Adafruit_ADS1x15 [DEPRECATED]
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-GPIO, Adafruit-ADS1x15

The Adafruit_ADS1x15 is deprecated. It's advised to use The Circuit Python ADS1x15 Input.

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Measurements to AverageInteger - Default Value: 5The number of times to measure each channel. An average of the measurements will be stored.

Texas Instruments: HDC1000~

  • Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: fcntl/io
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Texas Instruments: INA219x~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Measurements to AverageInteger - Default Value: 5The number of times to measure each channel. An average of the measurements will be stored.
Calibration RangeSelect(Options: [32V @ 2A max (default) | 32V @ 1A max | 16V @ 400mA max | 16V @ 5A max] (Default in bold)Set the device calibration range
Bus Voltage RangeSelect(Options: [(0x00) - 16V | (0x01) - 32V (default)] (Default in bold)Set the bus voltage range
Bus ADC ResolutionSelect(Options: [(0x00) - 9 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x01) - 10 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x02) - 11 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x03) - 12 Bit / 1 Sample (default) | (0x09) - 12 Bit / 2 Samples | (0x0A) - 12 Bit / 4 Samples | (0x0B) - 12 Bit / 8 Samples | (0x0C) - 12 Bit / 16 Samples | (0x0D) - 12 Bit / 32 Samples | (0x0E) - 12 Bit / 64 Samples | (0x0F) - 12 Bit / 128 Samples] (Default in bold)Set the Bus ADC Resolution.
Shunt ADC ResolutionSelect(Options: [(0x00) - 9 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x01) - 10 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x02) - 11 Bit / 1 Sample | (0x03) - 12 Bit / 1 Sample (default) | (0x09) - 12 Bit / 2 Samples | (0x0A) - 12 Bit / 4 Samples | (0x0B) - 12 Bit / 8 Samples | (0x0C) - 12 Bit / 16 Samples | (0x0D) - 12 Bit / 32 Samples | (0x0E) - 12 Bit / 64 Samples | (0x0F) - 12 Bit / 128 Samples] (Default in bold)Set the Shunt ADC Resolution.

Texas Instruments: TMP006~

  • Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
  • Measurements: Temperature (Object/Die)
  • Interfaces: I2C
  • Libraries: Adafruit_TMP
  • Dependencies: Adafruit-TMP
  • Datasheet URL: Link
  • Product URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

The Things Network: The Things Network: Data Storage (TTN v2)~

  • Manufacturer: The Things Network
  • Measurements: Variable measurements
  • Libraries: requests
  • Dependencies: requests

This Input receives and stores measurements from the Data Storage Integration on The Things Network.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Start Offset (Seconds)IntegerThe duration to wait before the first operation
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Application IDTextThe Things Network Application ID
App API KeyTextThe Things Network Application API Key
Device IDTextThe Things Network Device ID
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
Variable NameTextThe TTN variable name

The Things Network: The Things Network: Data Storage (TTN v3, Payload Key)~

  • Manufacturer: The Things Network
  • Measurements: Variable measurements
  • Libraries: requests
  • Dependencies: requests

This Input receives and stores measurements from the Data Storage Integration on The Things Network. If you have key/value pairs as your payload, enter the key name in Variable Name and the corresponding value for that key will be stored in the measurement database.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Start Offset (Seconds)IntegerThe duration to wait before the first operation
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Application IDTextThe Things Network Application ID
App API KeyTextThe Things Network Application API Key
Device IDTextThe Things Network Device ID
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
Variable NameTextThe TTN variable name

The Things Network: The Things Network: Data Storage (TTN v3, Payload jmespath Expression)~

  • Manufacturer: The Things Network
  • Measurements: Variable measurements
  • Libraries: requests, jmespath
  • Dependencies: requests, jmespath

This Input receives and stores measurements from the Data Storage Integration on The Things Network. The given Payload jmespath Expression is used as a JMESPATH expression to find the corresponding value that will be stored for that channel. Be sure you select and save the Measurement Unit for each channel. Once the unit has been saved, you can convert to other units in the Convert Measurement section. Example expressions for jmespath ( include temperature, sensors[0].temperature, and bathroom.temperature which refer to the temperature as a direct key within the first entry of sensors or as a subkey of bathroom, respectively. Jmespath elements and keys that contain special characters have to be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "sensor-1".temperature.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Start Offset (Seconds)IntegerThe duration to wait before the first operation
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Application IDTextThe Things Network Application ID
App API KeyTextThe Things Network Application API Key
Device IDTextThe Things Network Device ID
Channel Options
NameTextA name to distinguish this from others
Payload jmespath ExpressionTextThe TTN jmespath expression to return the value to store

Weather: OpenWeatherMap (City, Current)~

  • Manufacturer: Weather
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature/Pressure/Wind
  • Additional URL: Link

Obtain a free API key at If the city you enter does not return measurements, try another city. Note: the free API subscription is limited to 60 calls per minute

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
API KeyTextThe API Key for this service's API
CityTextThe city to acquire the weather data

Weather: OpenWeatherMap (Lat/Lon, Current/Future)~

  • Manufacturer: Weather
  • Measurements: Humidity/Temperature/Pressure/Wind
  • Interfaces: Mycodo
  • Additional URL: Link

Obtain a free API key at Notes: The free API subscription is limited to 60 calls per minute. If a Day (Future) time is selected, Minimum and Maximum temperatures are available as measurements.

Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
API KeyTextThe API Key for this service's API
Latitude (decimal)Decimal - Default Value: 33.441792The latitude to acquire weather data
Longitude (decimal)Decimal - Default Value: -94.037689The longitude to acquire weather data
TimeSelect(Options: [Current (Present) | 1 Day (Future) | 2 Day (Future) | 3 Day (Future) | 4 Day (Future) | 5 Day (Future) | 6 Day (Future) | 7 Day (Future) | 1 Hour (Future) | 2 Hours (Future) | 3 Hours (Future) | 4 Hours (Future) | 5 Hours (Future) | 6 Hours (Future) | 7 Hours (Future) | 8 Hours (Future) | 9 Hours (Future) | 10 Hours (Future) | 11 Hours (Future) | 12 Hours (Future) | 13 Hours (Future) | 14 Hours (Future) | 15 Hours (Future) | 16 Hours (Future) | 17 Hours (Future) | 18 Hours (Future) | 19 Hours (Future) | 20 Hours (Future) | 21 Hours (Future) | 22 Hours (Future) | 23 Hours (Future) | 24 Hours (Future) | 25 Hours (Future) | 26 Hours (Future) | 27 Hours (Future) | 28 Hours (Future) | 29 Hours (Future) | 30 Hours (Future) | 31 Hours (Future) | 32 Hours (Future) | 33 Hours (Future) | 34 Hours (Future) | 35 Hours (Future) | 36 Hours (Future) | 37 Hours (Future) | 38 Hours (Future) | 39 Hours (Future) | 40 Hours (Future) | 41 Hours (Future) | 42 Hours (Future) | 43 Hours (Future) | 44 Hours (Future) | 45 Hours (Future) | 46 Hours (Future) | 47 Hours (Future) | 48 Hours (Future)] (Default in bold)Select the time for the current or forecast weather

Winsen: MH-Z14A~

  • Manufacturer: Winsen
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: serial
  • Dependencies: RPi.GPIO
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Automatic Self-calibrationBoolean - Default Value: TrueEnable automatic self-calibration
Measurement RangeSelect(Options: [400 - 2000 ppmv | 400 - 5000 ppmv | 400 - 10000 ppmv] (Default in bold)Set the measuring range of the sensor
The CO2 measurement can also be obtained using PWM via a GPIO pin. Enter the pin number below or leave blank to disable this option. This also makes it possible to obtain measurements even if the UART interface is not available (note that the sensor can't be configured / calibrated without a working UART interface).
GPIO OverrideTextObtain readings using PWM on this GPIO pin instead of via UART
Calibrate Zero PointButton
Span Point (ppmv)Integer - Default Value: 2000The ppmv concentration for a span point calibration
Calibrate Span PointButton

Winsen: MH-Z16~

  • Manufacturer: Winsen
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: UART, I2C
  • Libraries: smbus2/serial
  • Dependencies: smbus2
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Winsen: MH-Z19~

  • Manufacturer: Winsen
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: serial
  • Datasheet URL: Link

This is the version of the sensor that does not include the ability to conduct automatic baseline correction (ABC). See the B version of the sensor if you wish to use ABC.

UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Measurement RangeSelect(Options: [0 - 1000 ppmv | 0 - 2000 ppmv | 0 - 3000 ppmv | 0 - 5000 ppmv] (Default in bold)Set the measuring range of the sensor
Calibrate Zero PointButton
Span Point (ppmv)Integer - Default Value: 2000The ppmv concentration for a span point calibration
Calibrate Span PointButton

Winsen: MH-Z19B~

  • Manufacturer: Winsen
  • Measurements: CO2
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: serial
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link

This is the B version of the sensor that includes the ability to conduct automatic baseline correction (ABC).

UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Automatic Baseline CorrectionBooleanEnable automatic baseline correction (ABC)
Measurement RangeSelect(Options: [0 - 1000 ppmv | 0 - 2000 ppmv | 0 - 3000 ppmv | 0 - 5000 ppmv | 0 - 10000 ppmv] (Default in bold)Set the measuring range of the sensor
Calibrate Zero PointButton
Span Point (ppmv)Integer - Default Value: 2000The ppmv concentration for a span point calibration
Calibrate Span PointButton

Winsen: ZH03B~

  • Manufacturer: Winsen
  • Measurements: Particulates
  • Interfaces: UART
  • Libraries: serial
  • Manufacturer URL: Link
  • Datasheet URL: Link
UART DeviceTextThe UART device location (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB1)
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Fan Off After MeasureBooleanTurn the fan on only during the measurement
Fan On Duration (Seconds)Decimal - Default Value: 50.0How long to turn the fan on before acquiring measurements
Number of MeasurementsInteger - Default Value: 3How many measurements to acquire. If more than 1 are acquired that are less than 1001, the average of the measurements will be stored.

Xiaomi: Miflora~

  • Manufacturer: Xiaomi
  • Measurements: EC/Light/Moisture/Temperature
  • Interfaces: BT
  • Libraries: miflora
  • Dependencies: libglib2.0-dev, miflora, bluepy
Bluetooth MAC (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)TextThe Hci location of the Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Adapter (hci[X])TextThe adapter of the Bluetooth device.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete

Xiaomi: Mijia LYWSD03MMC (ATC and non-ATC modes)~

More information about ATC mode can be found at

Bluetooth MAC (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)TextThe Hci location of the Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Adapter (hci[X])TextThe adapter of the Bluetooth device.
Measurements EnabledMulti-SelectThe measurements to record
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete
Enable ATC ModeBooleanEnable sensor ATC mode

ams: AS7341~

I2C AddressTextThe address of the I2C device.
I2C BusIntegerThe Bus the I2C device is connected.
Period (Seconds)DecimalThe duration between measurements or actions
Pre OutputSelectTurn the selected output on before taking every measurement
Pre Out Duration (Seconds)DecimalIf a Pre Output is selected, set the duration to turn the Pre Output on for before every measurement is acquired.
Pre During MeasureBooleanCheck to turn the output off after (opposed to before) the measurement is complete